Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
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Educational and scientific center for international cooperation (ESC IC) is a structural division of the State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (NMU) founded according to Rector’s order №286-л from March 3, 2011.

Main objective of the ESC IC is to ensure effective international activity of the NMU through mutual and task-specific collaboration with educational and research institutions in different countries, creation and development long-term relations with foreign partners on the basis of parity and mutual interest, exchange of intellectual resources, development of academic mobility and strengthening intercultural and business relations.

Main directions of activity:

  • Proposals designing for the development of international relations at the NMU;
  • Establishing academic, scientific and technical, and if necessary, monetary and financial relations with foreign partners;
  • Development of NMU collaboration with international educational, scientific and other organizations, institutions and funds;
  • Providing of organizational, informative-methodical and technical participation of the NMU in international educational and scientific projects, programs, competitions; control of carrying out the current international projects which are executed in the NMU;
  • Organization of academic exchanges for University students, researchers and professionals and their participation in international symposia, conferences, etc.;
  • Protocolary providing for realization of international negotiations, business meeting and other measures;
  • Promoting connections with business, scientific production association, etc., regulation of the cross-cultural communication;
  • Co-ordination of the international cooperation;
  • Ensuring relations with services of international cooperation of the city, region, other public and private institutions and universities in Ukraine and other countries;
  • Co-ordination on creation in the NMU of representative offices from foreign companies and organizations, and also other self-supporting structures associated with the international activity;
  • Providing of university’s external economic activity in the field of higher education related to the studies of foreign citizens;
  • Organization of marketing and commercial-informative activity in the field of export of educational services;
  • Participating in organization of educational process and realization of the educational activity related to the studies of foreign citizens.

Structureof ESC IC:

  • Department of International Relations;
  • Educational and Scientific Center for International Citizens (ESC IC);
  • Department of International Educational Projects;
  • Ukrainian-American Linguistic Center;
  • Ukrainian-German cultural Center;
  • Center of Language Training;
  • Ukrainian- Spanish- Latin American Center;
  • Center for Ukrainian-Polish cooperation;
  • Ukrainian-Japanese Center.



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